Small Church? This is not about the size of the chapel, rather having a community to help you live the Gospel and celebrate the Sunday Eucharist better. If you are interested in checking it out, call Fr. Bill (277-7231 x1)
It is easy to be in a large parish for years and still get lost in the crowd. It is always challenging to take the faith we celebrate in the Eucharist beyond the doors of the church to our families, our places of work, our civic lives. We weren't ever meant to do it alone. Try becoming part of a SMALL CHURCH COMMUNITY!
What is it? -- a group of 8-12 fellow parishioners who commit to support one another in living a life formed by the Gospel and centered on the Eucharist. They commit to pray daily, reflect on where God is present in their lives, pray with the Sunday Scriptures (especially the Gospel), and worship actively and attentively at the Sunday Mass.
Why is it important? -- The SCC makes us accountable to others for living the faith we profess. It teaches us about living in Christian Community and helps us to more actively connect our life and our faith from day to day. Most importantly, it strengthens the whole parish as we come prepared for worship on Sunday, primed to hear the Lord who both calls and sends us.
How much of a commitment is it? -- Some SCC's meet every week. Most meet a couple times a month, or every other week. A meeting lasts about two hours including social time and snacks. But ultimately it is Christ who will invite you to commit your life completely to serve God. He is a "jealous God" after all.
But what if I don't have the time? -- We all have the same amount of time each day. How we use it has to do with our priorities. When your desire to grow as a Catholic formed by the Gospel and to walk with others who desire to serve the Lord becomes important enough to you, you will find yourself able to commit the time. Pray about it.
How do I become part of a SCC? -- New groups form as enough people express the desire. Sometimes an existing group wants to strengthen its numbers by receiving new members. Call the parish office at 440-277-7231 and leave a message expressing your interest. We will follow up with you promptly.