THE CURSILLO MOVEMENT - Maybe you haven't heard of "CURSILLO" or understand what it is about. Cursillo is NOT a "retreat" it is a personal encounter with the Lord. Simply put, it is a three day encounter with Christ in "personal relationship". The ultimate goal of Cursillo is to provide a foundation in faith so you can learn and understand what is fundamental for living and being Chr...istian, to... ...experience the love of God, and the love of thy neighbor, which is experienced through encounters with oneself, with Christ and with others. Cursillo strives to give you an understanding and desire of what is essential for being a Christian and how to live as a man or woman of faith by example. Do you long for a deeper "personal relationship" with Our Lord? It is certainly possible and easily attainable. Our Lord is always knocking at your door, all you have to do is answer and welcome him into your life.
Cursillos de Cristiandad
(Para hombres y para mujeres)
El "Cursillos de Cristiandad" es un curso corto en el cristianismo con el objetivo de proporcionar una conversión más profunda a Cristo y una práctica más informada y mas entusiástica de la fe. Un Cursillo se refiere a menudo como un evento que cambia la vida. Es como una experiencia de cuatro días desde el jueves en la noche hasta el domingo por la noche. Hombres y mujeres tienen un Cursillo anual por separado.
Cursillo – Men’s or Women’s
The “Cursillo de Cristiandad” is a short course in Christianity meant to provide a deeper conversion to Christ and a more informed and enthusiastic practice of the faith. A Cursillo is often referred to as a life changing event. It is a four day retreat-like experience from Thursday evening to Sunday evening. Men and women have a separate annual Cursillos.