The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated once a year in our cluster parishes, which include St. Vincent de Paul and St. Frances Cabrini in the Church of St. John. The proper time to receive the Sacrament at Sacred Heart Chapel is when an adolescent is in high school. Our children in Sacred Heart Chapel receive the Sacrament when they are in 11th grade.
At least two years of formal Faith Formation are required before a candidate is considered for Confirmation.
Confirmation Session are Sundays from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. If you are a high school student, please call the church office at 440-277-7231 and ask to speak with Monica Swift.
RCIA is generally the way adults who have never received First Communion nor Confirmation prepare for these Sacraments. The Church assumes that such adults never received the catechetical preparation for Sacraments after Baptism. Because that is not always the case, we interview adults to determine how best each one can be served.
If you are an adult and wish to receive Baptism, Confirmation, and/or First Communion, please call Sister Cathy at 440-382-1473.